Fire Alarm tampering

The fire alarm was activated last evening. The loud noise may be annoying but you should never disable the sounder in your apartment. Very often people don’t put the sounder back properly and then you won’t be alerted in case of further alarm activations. A fire could start anywhere in the building, so its paramount the fire alarm works everywhere.  

When you do put the sounder back in its base, turn it clockwise until it clicks. The sounder will still go-off for about 20 seconds but then the sounder will mute, has been reset and will be on standby again.

clip_image002By law, you are not to tamper with any part of the fire alarm. Doing so is an offence and fines can be issued by the City Council Fire Service. More importantly, disabling the fire alarm sounder can be dangerous for you and others.

Either the concierge of security will respond to investigate and reset/mute every fire alarm activation, mostly within 20 minutes, so next time please don’t disable the sounder. For your own- and everyone’s safety!

The fire alarm is continually monitored. Any tampering will be recorded and repeat offences will be reported. The concierge will call to those who have disabled their sounder, but is not always able to catch residents at home. Please contact the concierge if you have any queries in relation to the above.

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