Water supply interruption

water interruptionThe last step in upgrading the mains water pumps for the apartments will take place this Wednesday 30th September 2020. For this reason the water supply to the apartment shall be cut-off between 9 am and 4 pm that day.

During this time no water should be used, so keep all taps closed and don’t use washing machines, dishwashers, showers and don’t flush the toilets. If –against our advice- you DO use water during this time, you could end up with air locks, for which the management company cannot be responsible.

Notices will be put up to say when it’s safe to use water again. Please run your taps for 2-3 minutes for the water to run clear and let the concierge know if you have any problems.

Update: Mains water supply restored on 30-Sep-2020 at 11 am.

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