
Yesterday around 8.15 pm, a group of teenagers visited Maritana Gate. You can see the group on the photo. They are suspected to have vandalized fire extinguishers, set off the Fire Alarm and sabotaged a lift.

It is believed that the group know at least one of the residents, as they were talking to someone on the intercom. Incidentally, that resident did not open the door for them. They entered via another way.

The Fire Brigade and Garda are working on this and you are asked to contact the caretaker if you know (any of) the teenagers in the photo. Anti-social behaviour should not be tolerated but we’ll have to work together if we want to stop it.

Last night’s behaviour is not only a nuisance but it’s very expensive as well. Extra expenses drive up the management fees and, in many cases, forces landlords to put rents up as a result.

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