Water disruption

The water tanks at Maritana Gate are due for sterilisation on Tuesday 22 April 2008. It is hoped to start work on the supply to the apartments at 10.00 am that day. From this time there will be no water supply in the apartments!  The mains water supply will be off line for about 5 hours (up to about 3 pm).

Tenants cannot use any water during this time (taps, dish washers, washing machines etc). It is vital that during this time that all taps are turned off properly. Sometimes when people turn on taps and there is no water they forget to close the taps properly and when the water comes back on, the water will come through the taps and may cause flooding if left on in unoccupied apartments. It would be usual for our staff to check all outlets where they have access to in a building before they leave but as these are private areas we cannot enter. If normal water supply is not returned by the time issued on the letter I recommend that tenants should immediately inform the property management of this fact and still adhere to turning off taps properly afterwards. H2O or the Management Company can accept no liability for taps left on by others or airlocks.

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