Disturbing noise

We received some complaints about loud noise/disturbing behaviour from children playing in the complex as well as from people attending late nite parties. 
The House Rules, part of the "Owners & Occupiers Guide", clearly govern that such disturbing behaviour will not be tolerated at Maritana Gate. The guides were distributed to the owners of the apartments and extra copies are available at the concierge’s office.
For everyone’s information, the House Rules are as follows:
·         No bicycles or other objects should be left out on the main balconies.
     Bicycles can be locked to a steel bar in the designated area located in
     the car park.
·         Sun terraces and other common areas must be kept clean and no personal
     belongings should be left behind.
·         Clothing is not to be dried in any common areas.
·         Loud noise or any display of anti-social behaviour that could be disturbing
     to others is prohibited.
·         Litter should be bagged, closed and disposed of in the bins located in the
     car park.
·         Cardboard bins are for paper and cardboard only – no plastics.
·         Smoking is prohibited in any of the common areas.
·         Break glass units for the Fire Alarm, Emergency Exits to be used only in
     case of real fire.
If you are disturbed by loud noise and you want to make a complaint, please note the following:
  1. You must identify the apartment from which the noise is coming
  2. Record the date and time of any disturbance
  3. Put your complaint in writing as soon as possible and pass to concierge’s  office
  4. If Gardai have been called out, details of date/time/names have to be included with the complaint
Thank you in advance for your co-operation.
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